Monday, May 31, 2010

My name is Oona... 

A lot of people ask me how we came up with the name Oona.  Well, it just popped into my head one night driving home from my friends' housewarming party.  Driving is such a great time and place to let your mind take a walk while your lizard brain handles autopilot; it's no surprise that I had yet another of my great ideas while behind the wheel.  When I got home, Aaron and I went to our local corner bodega to get some provisions and I simply turned to him and said, "Oona?"  He slowly bobbed his head up and down and said "...maybe..."
When we got home he googled and showed me this short film by Gunvor Nelson that Stan Brakhage screened for in his class at CU Boulder.  During the remainder of my pregnancy I worried that we weren't doing due diligence by coming up with other names. I wondered if people would assume that we made it up just to be weird.  However, starting with my postpartum nurses, just about everyone we introduce Oona to says, "oh, my cousin's name is Oona," or "I went to elementary school with an Oona."  Turns out Oona not as weird a name as I feared, and Aaron and I are the only 2 people in the world who never met an Oona before our daughter was born.


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